

Looking for a policy statement for your site or just advise?

Have you just created a new website and suddenly realise that to be compliant you need a cookie policy, privacy policy statement and if you are selling terms and conditions for your site? We would be happy to help you with your policies for your site please contact us for further information on how we can help you.

Cookie Policy- all websites in the European Union are now required to have a cookie policy statement on their websites otherwise there may be a fine in the UK of up to £500,000 and if you have a specific site targeted at another European Union country then you may be liable if not compliant to a fine from that country.

Privacy Policy Statement - your privacy policy statement gives your clients and those browsing on your website information about whether you keep their data, how it is stored and the security and also further information.

Terms and Conditions - If you sell goods online then just as if you have a physical shop you will need terms and conditions of sale of goods with added information about selling online which needs to be on your website.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require assistance in any of the above policies or other regulatory aspects for your website.


Cookie Policy/Statement for website £60 + Vat per country site

Privacy Policy/Statement for website £85 + Vat per country site

Privacy Policy for an office or shop £195 + Vat

Terms and Conditions for sale of goods on a website £120 + Vat


Is your Website, Emails and all documentation sent to clients compliant under the Companies Act 2006?

Do you collect customers data are you compliant under the Data Protection Act 1998?

Is your website cookie compliant? There is a potential of up to £500k fine for non compliance can you afford it?


MacKlamm Consultancy and its website do not use cookies to track visitors on its site.